Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fearlessly Fearing God

So this year I have made it my resolution to read through the bible in a year. It's kind of a daunting challenge and at times I feel afraid that I may be defeated by it, but overall it has been good and I think in the end it will be a huge blessing to have read the book cover to cover. At this point in my reading plan I am in the book of Numbers. Last night I read the coolest thing, so I just had to share!
In Numbers 22- 24 I read all about a king who was afraid of the Isrealites because he saw how great they were in number and how God was on their side. Since he was afraid he asked Balaam, a man he knew to be close to God, to curse the people so they wouldn't harm him or his city. Balaam told him that he would ask God, but that whatever God said was what he would do. I thought this was soooo bold, trusting, and just downright cool of him to do. A king asked him to do something and offered him a great reward and he said
"Even if Balak gave me his palace filled with silver and gold, I could not
do anything great or small to go beyond the command of the Lord my God."
The king asked him three times to curse these people. Each time Balaam asked God, he was told to bless the people, and was obedient! Balaam was a man who knew God. This is so apparent in this story. He knew God wasn't someone he could command to do his will. God is sovereign. One of the coolest things about this is that Balaam was totally unapologetic and unafraid of Balak. God is on the throne, he wasn't intimidated by an earthly king! This is an awesome picture of being completely sold out to Christ. Balaam feared God, not man, and this resulted in a totally free fearless way of life!
I think a lot of the time we can forget what it feels like to totally trust God. We expect to come before the king of kings and lay down the law. This is how it is, this is what I want... Ok God, fulfill it! We should, instead, come humbly, asking what God would have us do... then, even if God asks us to do the most unexpected thing, the exact opposite even of what we ask of Him, we should be willing to be obedient. Now that is true love! Besides, we can trust God, he is wise... and so good.

"God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son or man, that he
should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and
not fulfill? I have recieved a command to bless; he has blessed, and I cannot change it."


  1. This was a beautiful post, Alexis! So true that we can trust God because he IS wise and he IS good! good word.

  2. so I changed the name of my blog and then I realized that the inspiration was from this blog because your title is Fearlessly Fearing God which I had changed to Fearlessly Fearing and then I typed that and this popped up and I was like ooooohhhhhh... I knew I wasn't clever enough to come up with that on my own bahaha!
